June 2024 Report

Below is the Oregon City School District reporting on the Strategic Plan efforts as of June 6, 2024

Career and College Readiness

Goal 1: By 2027, all students will have a 6-year plan (7-12th grade) that will support post graduation planning.

  • All students are enrolled in Naviance 6-12 and using it for various purposes depending on grade level. 

  • In April, grades 6-8 students engaged with Naviance to prepare them for their Career and College Days and also used it to reflect on their learning after hearing from speakers.

  • All 9-12 students have interacted in Naviance two or more times.  

  • All 8th grade students have developed digital portfolios and presented to a panel as they transition to high school consisting of their families, community members, and district staff members.  At these Passage Presentations, each reflected on their learning during middle school and talked about their future high school and career goals.

  • The District Career and College Team created a plan to help use CRL (career related learing) interests in forecasting.

Goal 2: By 2027, all classroom teachers will tie their units or instructional content to career and college readiness at least quarterly.

  • In the forecasting process, counselors shared about Career Related Learning Areas, videos for parents, web presence, and/or parent training via Naviance.

  • New website launched for OCSD Career Readiness highlighting the 16 CRL (career related learning ) areas and information about jobs and experiences within.

  • Students were asked in the self-perception survey about courses or areas they were interested in learning more about. This data will be used to identify potential job shadows, guest speakers, and course offerings or connections. 

Goal 3: By 2027, all students will have a post-secondary plan for at least two years out of high school and be prepared to execute it.

  • As part of our reporting to ODE, we have connected with every senior receiving services on an IEP that graduated in 2023 to better understand what they are doing a year removed from high school. 

  • The survey asks about community resources they are accessing, how OCSD helped them along the way, and what feedback they would offer to improve our work. 

  • Data from survey: This data will be aggregated to further support transition services on the IEP the next school year.

  • Internships are now able to earn 0.5 credit.  10 Internships completed or in process in this first year 

  • The goal is to continue to collaborate with partners on future internships. We currently have relationships with 50 local businesses and organizations. 

  • 6 Year Plan and Profile: Focused on strengthening and developing 6 year plans for all students 7-12 grades. Moving forward, planning on developing 6 year plans for 9 grade through two years post graduation. 

  • Future work and Planning:

  • Employer costs for paid internships, onboarding, training time, supervision, and covering shifts/time if hours are completed before the expected weeks of training. 

  • Preparing/supporting partners for changes in training plans and additional supports for students with disabilities or needing more emotional support.

  • Prerequisites- Employability skill training or demonstration of skills. 

  • SB155 - Requires all adults working with a student to pass a background check which complicates our internship development process. 

  • Scheduling job talks to rotate class periods 

  • Multiple requests from different classes in the same school. Scheduling job talks for each location so as not to overuse our partners.

  • Tracking all needs for community partnerships. 

  • Partner training- neurodivergent issues, best practices for presentations, and student interactions.

  • Review of students and partners at the internship/job shadow location- separately.