We will create safe and engaging learning environments that promote student success and wellbeing, by providing opportunities for student voice and agency, promoting cultural responsiveness, and fostering positive relationships between students, staff, and the wider community.
GOAL 1: By 2025, all students, staff and families will consistently know and utilize safety and security protocols, and understand their unique roles in emergencies.
Year 1 Goals:
By 2024, all staff and students will clearly understand district safety protocols, and new staff onboarding will ensure that new hires have similarly strong understanding.
By 2024 parents and community members will have simple access to our fire drill and security protocols and understand their unique roles in emergency situations.
Year 2 Goals:
By December 2024, will clarify roles/responsibilities at the school level for safety protocols- building on district safety protocols.
By October 2024, parents will begin to be notified one week prior to regular school drills to include a description and/or videos of the drill procedure and purpose.
By June 2025, at least two buildings will have a live simulation of emergency response with or without reunification.
GOAL 2: By 2027 facilities will be used for a variety of educational, co-curricular, and community purposes (sports, performances, meetings etc) that bring community members, students, families into the building.
Year 1 Goals:
By 2024, every school in the district will work collaboratively to make the schools as open and accessible as possible and bring more community members into the school to participate in events.
Year 2 Goals:
By June 2025, at least a quarterly event that the community can attend (music, festivals, math/lit night, curriculum night etc) will be held at each school during the day, evening or on the weekends..
By October 2025, the district will create a process (website) for facilities use and rental.
GOAL 3: By 2027, we will secure funds through a bond and begin implementation to improve and expand facilities.
Year 1 Goals:
By 2024, we will assess our facilities for access, capacity and adequacy for meeting our educational vision.
By 2024, the Long Range Capital Planning Committee will establish a priority list of needed improvements to present to the superintendent.
By 2024, we will develop a Bond steering committee to produce recommendations to the Board and community.
Year 2 Goals:
By November 2024, we will provide public information on the need and benefits of a potential bond.
Based on plans to consider placing a bond on the ballot, the Bond Advisory Team will reflect on information and make recommendations to the Superintendent and/or the Board.