June 2024 Report

Below is the Oregon City School District reporting on the Strategic Plan efforts as of June 6, 2024.

Engaged Communities

GOAL 1: By 2027, our schools will experience consistently high levels of family/caregiver involvement and participation in school activities or events.

  • Attendance of family and community events at our schools thus far: 

  • Events held between  March and June: ~ 200

  • Increase in total attendance: ~13,737

  • Reported number of volunteers in Mach was ~844

  • Current number is: ~2112

  • With a dedicated effort that involved a standing invitation to register as volunteer on our district website and district newsletter, and school led efforts to ask for parents and community members to register, we drastically increased our number of voluinteers.

2022-23 School Year (Total)

Beavercreek - 141
Bridges to Independence - 0
CAIS - 0
Gaffney - 103
Gardiner - 12
Holcomb - 96
John McLoughlin - 196
OC Community Ed - 0
OC High School - 14
Redland - 148
Todos Unidos at Candy Lane - 80
Tumwata - 54

2023-24 School Year (Total)

Beavercreek - 305
Bridges to Independence - 72
CAIS - 149
Gaffney - 262
Gardiner - 309
Holcomb - 331
John McLoughlin - 435
OCSLA - 100
OC Community Ed -176
OC High School - 379
Redland - 357
TU at  Candy Lane - 270
Tumwata - 288

GOAL 2: By 2027, all volunteers will be meaningfully connected to students and schools. We will increase partnership and mentorships for students to enhance student success.

  • By widely and consistently sharing through district and school channels (ParentSquare newsletters, event posts, social media, websites, etc.) about opportunities to volunteer both broadly and specifically (specific events, specific tasks, etc.), we increased our volunteer numbers from approximately 844 volunteers processed and in schools in March, to approximately 2112 volunteers processed and in schools in June.

  • By broadly utilizing the description of mentors - Adults who regularly volunteer to support students- allows us to include additional groups for growth of support. 

  • Our secondary schools continue to work to expand our current partnerships and mentor programs.

  • HelpCounter database has been updated to an “all-in-one” system for volunteer registration. All schools can track groups through background checks and hours volunteered. 

  • Exploring opportunities with Clackamas County to create opportunities for a teen mentoring program. This program will train and facilitate high school students engaging with and mentoring elementary school students.