November 2023 Report
Below is the Oregon City School District reporting on the Strategic Plan efforts as of November 3rd, 2023.
Instructional Excellence
Goal 1: By 2027, each and every student will achieve at high levels as measured by multiple means.
State Assessments of OSAS, STAR, and DIBELS reviewed to create baseline data points for math and literacy.
Professional Learning Teams are reviewing the data at each school to determine the instructional needs of students and to develop lesson plans to support growth
Student perception data from the Student Health Survey reviewed
Professional Learning Community training offered for all administrators and key educator leaders in August
Instructional Support Framework and Principal Support Framework training held for Administrators and Supervisors in August
Instructional Leadership Team (ILT) developed; one per school
ILT (80 members) trainings focused on MTSS, PLCs, and the 5 Ds
Administrator Professional Development occurs monthly and is focused on instruction, feedback for classroom educators, and in building leaderships skills for management, systems, and compliance
Professional Development for teaching staff, instructional assistants and support professionals occurred on August 28-31, September 18th, October 6th, and October 12th..
District Administrative and Leadership Team Trainings trainings included:
Instructional Leadership Team
Human Resources Training
Safety Training
5Ds Training
PBIS Training
4Ds and Principal Support Framework Training
District Attendance Plan Training
I-Team & SCT Chair Training
Core Team Meeting (admin and supervisors)
Additional, optional professional learning offered bimonthly in response to need
Goal 2: By 2027, we will implement a consistent vision for instructional excellence throughout our district.
CLASS Design Team (teachers, specialists, union leadership, administrators) met in September and October to learn about the 5 Dimensions of Teaching and Learning.
August - October Administrators have learned about the 5D Framework with outside experts as trainers.
ILT team met in August and October. Began looking at the 5Ds and then also describing what evidence would be seen in classroom visits; bridging the work to UDL, AVID etc.
AVID site plans were developed in July 2023. Site teams are connecting those plans to the strategic plan priorities.
The ILT is learning about the five dimensions with a goal of sharing it with all staff in the Spring. Building skills/understanding with a teacher team and administrators this Fall/Winter.
Principals learning about effective classroom walkthroughs and feedback under 5Ds look-fors
Goal 3: By 2027, teaching staff will collaborate using relevant and timely data to meet student instructional needs so that students will meet or exceed grade level standards and expectations.
Each school’s administrator and a key teacher leader trained at the national PLC conference in June 2023.
Instructional Learning Teams (ILTs) trained on Professional Learning Communities (PLCs) and are providing tailored support to their schools with provided resources.
ILT teams for each school include both an administrator and a key teacher that was trained at the national PLC conference
Site based training for secondary staff on how to administer the STAR assessment completed in September and then interpreting the reports
Training on STAR Reports currently being provided to both administration and staff K-9
DIBELS Data collected and shared with K-1 Professional Learning Teams (PLTs)
Content teachers are learning about how to access the reports to determine areas of focus within their classrooms.
Elementary instructional support specialists have organized and compiled DIBELS data for K-1 PLTs so that progress monitoring can begin.
Middle school pilot on utilizing instructional assistants to support small group literacy skills for 6th grade students started